Ancillary NDT Processes
In addition to Non-Destructive Testing, we also complete Ancillary NDT processes at Keighley Laboratories. Our skilled and experienced experts offer extensive support and advice to the primary activities of outside organisations and systems.Process
Within the Ancillary NDT processes, we offer support in different types of testing. These include:
Relative Magnetic Permeability
Magnetic Permeability is the ability of a material to become magnetised. This process assesses the capabilities of a magnetic material in supporting the development of the magnetic field. The process includes an assessment generally in accordance with specifications such as BS 5884, ASTM A342 and A.U.W.E. 29108. The equipment, an electronic Permeability Meter undertakes an accurate assessment of the materials relative permeability commonly referred to by the Greek letter µ and capable of measuring magnetic permeability in increments between 1.001µ to 1.999µ to a resolution of 0.001µ.
Ferrite Determination – electronic meter
This process is carried out by using a portable Fischer Feritscope digital meter. This industry proven method determines the ferrite content of corrosion, and acid resistant steels used in aggressive environments. The data is stored on the instrument, delivering the operator instant results as to the levels of delta ferrite. Alternatively, the ferrite determination can be carried out metallographically.
Electrical Conductivity Measurement
Using specialised equipment, electrical conductivity can be measured using the Eddy current method according to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004. Results will measure how well a metal can conduct electrical current, and can also provide guidance on Heat Treatment condition, chemical composition, microstructure or mechanical processes.
The high-precision instrument can be used for the determination of electrical conductivity of metallic materials. These include aluminium alloys, copper and stainless steel. Monitoring heat treatment processes (which may assist in determining the strength and hardness of materials such as wrought aluminium alloys in the aerospace and automobile industries) and for the inspection of heat treatment damage.
Coating Thickness Checks
To check the thickness of coatings on all metallic materials(both ferrous and non ferrous), we have various portable units available, and are based on magnetic or Eddy Current Principles. These thickness checks can alternatively be carried out by metallographically if required. The process is able to check the total thickness of some anodised coatings on aluminium and electroplated coatings of zinc, chromium and copper etc.

Benefits of Ancillary NDT Processes
One of the major benefits of all Ancillary NDT processes at Keighley Laboratories is that they can be carried out in-house or on-site. This makes it possible to tailor services for your individual needs.
Relative Magnetic Permeability and Ferrite Determination
These services provide fast and accurate results, which saves time over other processes. The testing can be carried out on samples or on different component parts of fabricated assemblies without damaging the component.
These processes can be used as a comparator against a test being carried out metallographically and can be used to various Stainless Steels, including welds to ensure that corrosion resistance in maintained.
Electrical Conductivity Measurement
This process can be used to validate that the Heat Treatment of Aluminium Alloys has been carried out correctly and is used routinely by the Aerospace manufacturing industry for quality control. Providing fast and accurate results, this process can be carried out in-house or on-site on test samples or components without damaging the product.
Coating Thickness Checks
In addition to the other benefits listed above, this process can be used as a pre-selector for subsequent metallographic examination for local thickness.
Technical specifications
Relative Magnetic Permeability
The typical materials that can be tested include: austenitic stainless steels, austenitic irons and copper alloys such as aluminium bronze and some non-metallic materials. Various standards can be applied, using our in-house accredited documented methods based on BS 5884, ASTM A342 and A.U.W.E. 29108.
Ferrite Determination
Data is stored on the instrument giving the operator instant results as to the levels of delta ferrite. The applications for this instrument are numerous and include austenitic stainless steel and welds, super duplex stainless steels, duplex stainless steels and welds, clad materials etc.
Electrical Conductivity Measurement
The equipment measures electrical conductivity using the Eddy current method according to DIN EN 2004-1 and ASTM E 1004. Determination of the electrical conductivity of non-magnetic materials i.e. aluminium alloys, copper, stainless steel, monitoring heat treatment processes, determining the strength and hardness of wrought aluminium alloys in the aerospace and automobile industries and for the inspection of heat treatment damage.
Coating Thickness Checks
Typical materials that can be tested include Paints, varnishes and plastic coatings on ferrous and non-ferrous materials such as aluminium alloys, stainless steels, steels and irons. Typical materials include coatings on aluminium and electroplated coatings of zinc, chromium and copper etc.
Matthew Mellor
Technical Services Director
Carl Barker
Test House Manager
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